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Reading Blog 1


The article stresses how visual our society has become, which to us may seem obvious. However, it is easy to forget that it is very recent in human history that images could be produced in bulk. It is also stressed that one may not be fully aware of the influence all these images have on us. Again, it is easy to forget that any image put out by a company, has likely been through layers of marketing and focus groups to make sure the intended effect has been produced to the best of the their ability. Furthermore, social media too is often photoshopped or carefully posed for to sell an image, or at the very least, conform to the image that has in the norm, creating a feedback loop. The author of the article thinks that more effort should be given put into educating people on how to recognize this. And I agree. I feel that image based social media has risen in our lifetime, so it has been easier to see how it has evolved into what it is today. However, for younger children, this may be more difficult.


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