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Project 2 and Artist Statement


Updated: Oct 16, 2023

My project was trying to capture the feeling of living with roommates in a college town. This was my intention from the beginning, to try and portray living one's own life and moments of solitude, such as doing homework, while still constantly surrounded by other people.

The more literal story started in the kitchen eating food while there was an argument in the room next door. Then cleaning up, and walking outside to smoke and have a quiet moment while people walked past and the sounds of the town could be heard. Then coming back inside to do homework, the sounds outside still being heard.

This project taught me the basics of sound editing and made me familiar with Audacity. It also made me think about the definition of music, and what can be classified as a song.

I think I did well with the fading in and out of sounds to portray how the listener was moving around in 3D space. I think that using more effects would have enhanced this further.

From the feedback from the critique, some people were having a hard time following what was supposed to be happening. I think if I had done better at making the transitions more smooth, maybe the story would have been more clear. Overall though, I am happy with how it turned out.


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