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Brainstorm Blog #1


Zine and ZYN, similar sounding words. I think that could be a comical play. I also like ZYNs. I was thinking of doing a satire of anti tobacco warnings/advertisements. I find old tobacco ads morbidly entertaining with modern hindsight. I also would like my zine to have a story, so I was thinking that on each double page, the left would be a panel of a comic/story, while the right would be a semi-satirical pro-ZYN ad, like how in some packs of gum you get a comic. This also references the issue of advertising tobacco products like candy i.e. JUUL.

The comic will be about an uncomfortable but quite funny experience my friend had on a plane. I like this story for the zine as to me, it is crazy people used to smoke on planes, and I’d like to reference that in some way.

I want the feel of the zine to be retro, as the pro-smoking ads I’ll be getting inspiration from are thankfully all quite old. I like the style of Roy Lichtenstein, especially his use of dots. I’d like to recreate this but using ZYN packs as the dots. I’d like to incorporate ZYNs in other ways too, such as ZYN clouds, ZYN pillows etc.

I’ll mix both photoshop and illustrator for both the story half and the ad half, but the story half will be more illustrator heavy (comic-like), and the ads more photoshop heavy, using pinup girls and race cars, like old cigarette ads.


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