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Artist Statement #3


My video didn’t come out exactly as I had it planned in my head. My initial plan was to have more action in the “middle” of the animation. Due to time constraints, I wasn’t able to get as much done before the Fall break as I had hoped. I was planning on finishing the project and getting during the break, however, I found out that my laptop has a driver and graphics card that isn’t compatible with After Effects or Animate. This meant that I had to ust use what I had, which was the setup and end of the animation. It still kind of worked. The video of the cats I took also didn’t go as planned. I thought the cats would be a little bit easier to coax into doing what I wanted them to, or at least it would be easier to catch them doing things I could use. But they seemed to just sleep whenever I was around. I also had about 30 frames of hand drawn animation of the cat (a few shown below) I wanted to use for a short scene, but wasn’t able to because I couldn’t put them into Animate or After Effects.

The story was a about a cat and alien who are friends going to hangout and then going on a little adventure, but it ended up they just went to go hangout.

I used a Futura font for all the onscreen text. This was inspired by Wes Anderson and is a font used in all his movies. For the alien’s voice, I used the alien language of the prawns from the movie “District 9”. I tried to spend extra time on the audio of the video as it was something that I could actually work on, and I’m happy with how that aspect turned out.


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